World's 1st Trip Quote Comparison Platform!

TripRupee Global Planners | The World's First Trip Quote Comparison Platform!

Every single penny you spend on your trip must be counted and valued, and this sums up TripRupee. Born in India and now global. TripRupee logo resembles the 1 Rupee coin giving it the roots of India

Our Tale

We have an inspiring story of our 8-year research journey as a group of travelers who faced common industry issues and developed a fresh idea to solve them and help those who enjoy traveling. It took 8 years of hard work to conduct the research, spend our hard-earned money, and plan and execute this idea.

Your Pain Is Our Pain

Tussle to Find The Lowest Price
problem one lowest price bargain

Many travel companies and agents charged different prices for the same itinerary. It was hard to find the cheapest one, and even after comparing and negotiating, we later realized we paid too much.

Rate Card
rate card why

We used to search for the cheapest prices for flights, hotels, and transportation ourselves when planning our trips. Our costs were less than what agents and companies offered with their preset packages. We asked them to give us separate prices for everything, but they didn't. This made it hard to know how much we were spending and where the money was going.


We got excited about some really cheap travel deals and thought we were being smart by booking them. Unfortunately, we were scammed by the travel agents who took our money and then disappeared. We tried everything we could to get our money back, including going to the police, but it never happened. We weren't the only ones who fell for this trick, and many others are still dealing with the same problem.

Genuine Travel Advise
advise free

Travel companies and agents often provided self-serving travel plans that didn't benefit us. Their top priority was making money, not helping us. We had trouble finding helpful guidance.

The Medicine We Got

Our team did the extensive market research in last 8 years and gained strong knowledge of the travel industry. We build very handful trusted partners who can give us the lowest rates. So, whenever you submit your existing trip quote for price comparison, in the first go, we give you the lowest prices. it saves your lot of time and you are not supposed to run pillar to post just to find a reliable and cost efficient travel partner

We give you the rate-card of the your existing trip itinerary which cleary shows the individual cost of all the travel segments involved in the package , you can clearly see how much and where you are spending 

We check if your travel agent is real and not a scammer. We have a 10-step process to do this. If someone tries to trick you by offering cheap prices, we can detect it and tell you if it's risky. Before you pay, we'll tell you if it's safe or not. This protects you from being scammed or robbed..

Many times, travel agents or companies provide the wrong routes, overly busy schedules, commercial venues, bad hotels, and conceal important information. We, on the other hand, openly provide recommendations based on sound logic and factual evidence to ensure that your travels are an unforgettable experience. We will never pressure you to accept our recommendations; rather, we will allow you to make an informed decision for yourself.

About Us

You’ve probably heard of sites that compare flight and hotel prices, but have you heard of one that compares entire trip prices? Well, it doesn’t exist! Many people travel to see new countries and cultures. Some use travel agencies, while others use the internet to plan their trips themselves. Either way, finding the best price and avoiding scams can be tough and takes a lot of effort. TripRupee is a new website that can help you with this. It compares prices for your planned trip to find the lowest possible price, so you don’t have to spend too much time searching yourself.

TripRupee is the world’s first trip quote comparison platform which primarily solves the following five main problems:

1. It provides you with the lowest price available for your trip quote in one go.

2. It provides you with the rate-card of your existing trip, allowing you to clearly see where and how much you are spending.

3. It helps you avoid scams.

4. It provides free tips to help you plan your trip.

5. It saves you a significant amount of time.


What We Do?

Trip Quote Comparision
We only compare your existing trip quotes, we do not sell any travel packages

Our Success Story & Key Matrices So Far..

Row layout and loop on hover

Quote Comparison Success Rate
Scam Protection Success Rate
Website Lead Conversion Rate

Our guests are going to tell us stories about how they saved money. They will talk about their trips and the funny things they did to show how happy they were. It's going to be fun, so get ready!

Few saved less, few saved more. In the end, everyone saved something, and no one lost. And this is what TripRupee is all about. 

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