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Guests will share stories and tips on how to travel on a budget. Get ready for a fun, money-saving event!

Few saved less, few saved more. In the end, everyone saved something, and no one lost. And this is what TripRupee is all about. 

What We Do?

Our users often ask questions about quotations and trip itineraries from TripRupee, rather than giving us the trip quote they received from other travel companies or agents for price comparison. This may be because it is a new idea that can be difficult to understand. However, we understand this concern and have simplified it into two easy-to-understand points for everyone.

Trip Quote Comparision
We only compare your existing trip quote you have already received from other travel agents or companies to get you the lowest price for the same trip
We Do Not Sell Travel Packages
After comparing prices for your existing trip quote, which you received from other travel companies or agents, we will connect you to our trusted travel companies to book your trip.

Our Success So Far

We’re so glad to have been able to assist many of our clients in saving money, avoiding scams, and ultimately, saving their precious time. It brings us joy to be able to make a positive impact in their lives.

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Trip Quotes Compared
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Hours Saved
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Scammers Found
0 CR+
Money Saved

Trip Quote Comparison

We have simplified the overall process of comparing prices for your existing travel quote from other travel companies or agents in just five easy steps. Please refer to the step-by-step process below to understand how you can compare prices and get the lowest rates from TripRupee.

Step 1: Login & Fill The Form
Important Notes
  • Login using your Gmail or create an account.
  • Make sure you have an existing trip quote from any travel agent at hand which shows important information such as trip price, number of people, travel dates, itinerary, hotel names, flight details, inclusions, and exclusions clearly
Step 2: Upload The Existing Trip Quote
Important Notes
  • You must have an existing trip from a travel company or agent.
  • The trip quote may be in PDF, JPEG, or JPG format.
  • The file size must not exceed 10 MB.
  • Please don't change or edit your quote as this may result in the suspension of the quote comparison
Step 3: Get High Level Numbers
Important Notes
  • After you finish step two, the TripRupee team will email you the details  within 4 to 24 hours. The email will show you how much money you saved. You can also see this information on your account dashboard.
  • Your dashboard will have a timer for you to accept the offer.
  • If you are happy with the money you saved, you can choose to pay. If not, you can choose not to pay.
Step 4: Make Payment & Get Our Trusted Partner Details
Important Notes
  • After the first payment, you will receive an email with the contact information of TripRupee's reliable partner. You can use this information to book your existing travel package.
  • Your dashboard section will also auto-populate our trusted partner's details.
Step 5: Book Trip With Our Trusted Partner
Important Notes
  • Our trusted partner will book exactly the same trip itinerary and inclusions that you already received from other travel agents or companies before comparing it with ours.
  • If you require additional customizations, our trusted partner will be more than happy to accommodate them.

Discover destinations, trip itineraries, and the money saved on locations that our clients have already explored

Now you can click on any location in the field below, and it will show all the tours we have offered to our past clients, along with the amount they saved, with just one click.

Comparing Now!

Check out the places we are currently comparing. Keep an eye on this space for new locations that are ready for price comparisons.


Sample Rate Cards

We are proud to offer a service that no other travel company can provide. Our ability to provide you with rate cards, as per your existing trip quote, sets us apart from the rest. We know that our sample cards will provide the clarity you need to trust in our expertise. To make it easy to understand the information that the rate card displays, feel free to view some of the samples we have designed for you as a reference.

Check out the trip itineraries and the money saved by our previous travelers

Mr. & Mrs. Alex D’souza – Maldives | TGP2252

Money Saved

Mr. & Mrs. Lokesh – Maldives | TGP2253

Money Saved

Mrs. Himadri Goel – Andaman | Flight Excluded | 2 – People | TGP2256

Money Saved

Mr. Akram Shaikh & Family- Maldives | TGP2254

Money Saved

Ms. Shanaya & Family- Maldives | TGP2258

Money Saved

Mr. & Mrs.Rishika Jain- Maldives | TGP2260

Money Saved

Mr. & Mrs. Raghavendra- Maldives | TGP2263

Money Saved

Dr. Dheeraj Patil & Family – Maldives | TGP2264

Money Saved

Mr. & Mrs. Nikunj Goel – Bali | Flight Excluded | 2 – People | TGP2268

Money Saved

First, some facts, then problems

Over the last 8 years, we have conducted surveys on more than 2000 travelers and obtained the following results:

Travelers have chosen travel agents to plan their trips

Travelers planned their trip on their own without any support from a travel agent

Travelers have taken support from social media influencers to plan their trips

The pain that 89% of travelers felt

Tussle To Find The Lowest Rates
bargain lowest price

In our research and surveys, we found that the majority of travelers contact at least 4-5 different travel companies before booking to find the cheapest price of the holiday package. This whole process is very tedious and takes a lot of time. The more quotes you get, the more confusion you experience for free. We were surprised to find out during our research that some travelers had more than 25 quotes for the same location and, in the end, they were terribly confused about which travel company to choose. Imagine how much headache this brings for you and how much precious time you have to burn for doing things where you don't have much experience. 


  • The overall time spent finding the cheapest deal is sometimes longer than the time spent on your holiday 😉
Tussle To Find The Split Rates
rate card

Most travellers want to know how much they are spending and to which expenses the segments are attributed. They are eager to learn the prices of all activities included in the travel package. Although this request is simple, there is no one in the travel industry who provides a rate card. Travel agents and companies do not provide this because they want to hide their revenues. We are not against earning money, but there is no point in doing business if you cannot earn any money. The issue lies in the percentage margin, making it too high. Consumers understand this, and that is precisely why they want to see the rate card.


  • We were surprised to see the data during our research where we found few of the travel companies were keeping approx. 75% of the gross margins 🙁
Getting Scammed

This happens on a daily basis: Travel agents switch off their phones after taking payment. Even if they don't, they will find other ways to scam you. For example, they may give you a 2-star hotel instead of the 5-star one promised. They deceive consumers with attractive prices and fake offers that don't even exist.


  • During our research, we found that consumers were issued dummy air tickets with fake PNRs. Once they reached the airport, airlines denied boarding because the air tickets were never booked 🙁
Monopoly of Travel Companies & Agents

Almost every travel company or agent has their own predefined routes, set hotels, and activities – in short – they have everything to make you feel like a robot and follow their instructions. Your choice hardly matters, and even if they do customize your travel requirements, changes are minimal, which hardly gives you the freedom to do the things you want to do.


  • During our research, we found a hotel in an international location where all the Indians were staying. We miss our home during holidays, but not up to this extent where an international location becomes domestic 😉
Terrible Losses in Cancellations

Almost all travel companies have horrible cancellation policies that limit cancellations up to 30 days before the departure date. A few are a bit more flexible, allowing cancellations up to 21 or 15 days before the departure date. Lots of people have lost their hard-earned money due to these cancellation policies, as they had to cancel their trip at the last moment due to unavoidable situations.


  • during our research, we found that during COVID-19 times, many travel companies' revenue went up as compared to the losses they claimed. This is because they recovered all the money on the back end and never returned it to customers, citing their cancellation as falling under the force majeure category and the cancellation window had expired. This sounds crazy and painful for those who have suffered losses, but it is a brutal truth 🙁

The pain that 10% of travelers felt

Paying Much Higher
bargain lowest price

Well, booking flight and hotels was damn easy given the fact there are lot of portals who facilitate air tickets bookings and hotel reservations. You think that you have a got a better deal by using pseudo discount codes or even by using credit card offers, but in reality you paid much because you never know about the B2B or special contract rates for travel companies or trusted agents. This is just one step, by boking flight and hotel does not mean that remaining complex segments of your travel like activities, visa, transpiration, spotting trusted ground support and so many things can be easily booked. No, matter how much you rely on google searches to find these answers, its a tedious task find the reality rather than just google and blogs. Travel companies who do this on day in day out basis will always have better rates and expertise than you. Its a myth that you will save money if you plan to do the things on your own.


  • People who have plan the things on their own happily claim that they saved a lot never paid the taxes like GST, TCS, VAT and local taxes which travel companies were charging. Well, you are absolute wrong, do you think the governments who run the country and totally rely on your taxes will leave you without taxes or do not have visibility that you have not paid the taxes? 
Tussle To Find The Split Rates
rate card

Even if you do everything by yourself, the challenge will remain the same: to find the exact prices of the remaining activities in your package. You want to know how much you are spending and the expenses to which the segments are attributed. Online portals barely give you real price visibility, and it does not help differentiate what is shown on the portals versus the ground reality.


  • During our quote comparison process, we have found many travelers who booked their flights and hotels by themselves and are seeking help from travel companies to provide ground support, visas, and more. Ultimately, you end up taking help from travel agents or companies for the remaining activities, but this does not help you much because the moment you remove the flight and hotel from the holiday package thinking that you will get lesser prices on remaining activities, the opposite happens. Travel agents and companies are smart enough to understand this. So, even if they agree to help you with the remaining activities, the pricing will be much higher.

  • Remember, the moment you choose to book the remaining activities with any travel agent or company, all the taxes like GST, TCS that you were trying to hide become applicable. So, where is the saving? 🙂
Getting Scammed

This happens on a daily basis: Travel agents switch off their phones after taking payment. Even if they don't, they will find other ways to scam you. For example, they may give you a 2-star hotel instead of the 5-star one promised. They deceive consumers with attractive prices and fake offers that don't even exist.


  • During our research, we found that consumers were issued dummy air tickets with fake PNRs. Once they reached the airport, airlines denied boarding because the air tickets were never booked.

The pain that 1% of travelers felt

Travel Agents cum Influencers

Always remember, social media influencers irrespective of their categories like nano, micro, macro, or mega have a primary job: to influence through their content and posts, and their capability to reach followers. Their expertise is content creation, and they are very good at it. As long as they route you to different travel companies or agents, it's all good. However, problems arise when they become travel agents cum social media influencers. Unfortunately, many followers blindly trust them and book packages without verifying the market price. Influencers don't have easy access to special rates or expertise in the travel industry as it's not their main skill.


  • We spoke to a couple who paid 4 lakhs Indian Rupees for a 4N/5D Dubai trip to an influencer, which, according to our estimates, would cost around 1.5 lakhs Indian Rupees. Unfortunately, they were not the only ones who were duped; we have many cases where we found travelers paid relatively much higher 🙁

  • Do you really think the influencers who are routing you to different travel companies do the job for free? Absolutely , not, they charge heavy amount and the fact is no one pays from their own pocket, the travel companies who pay to social media influencers to get you onboarded will eventually charge from you 🙂
    Its good be to influenced, but, its bad to become fool.
Tussle To Find The Split Rates
bargain lowest price

Most travellers want to know how much they are spending and to which expenses the segments are attributed. They are eager to learn the prices of all activities included in the travel package. Although this request is simple, there is no one in the travel industry who provides a rate card. Travel agents and companies do not provide this because they want to hide their revenues. We are not against earning money, but there is no point in doing business if you cannot earn any money. The issue lies in the percentage margin, making it too high. Consumers understand this, and that is precisely why they want to see the rate card.


  • We were surprised to see the data during our research where we found few of the travel companies were keeping approx. 75% of the gross margins 🙁
Getting Scammed

So, did your influencers tell you that they will guarantee that your trip has zero scams? Well, they won't say this. Their job is to get money and connect you to other travel agents or companies who paid them.


  • During our research, we found that consumers were issued dummy air tickets with fake PNRs. Once they reached the airport, airlines denied boarding because the air tickets were never booked.

Facts completed, and now the Results - Top 5 Problems We Solved

Here’s a list of five common problems you might encounter no matter who you choose to plan your holiday trip. But we have already solved all of these problems for you before anyone else in the world.

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Welcome to TripRupee!

Our Partners

We express our gratitude to all our esteemed partners for their unwavering support in strengthening our day-to-day operations and enabling us to attain unprecedented success.

Let customers speak for us


How We Catch Scammers

Our company uses a 10-step process to assess the authenticity of our travel partners, as well as the travel companies that provide trip quotes to determine potential risk levels. We conduct thorough background checks on each affiliate, verify their licensing and registration status, and regularly monitor their performance with audits to maintain high standards and provide peace of mind for your next trip.

Minimum 5 Years Of Business Tenure

Our partners must have been in business for at least 5 years to qualify. But this rule doesn't apply to the travel agents or companies that gave you a quote for your trip.

Must Have Valid IATA Certificate

All of our partners have valid IATA accreditation, but this rule does not apply to the travel agents or companies that provided you with a quote for your trip.

Must Have A Physical Office

Our trusted partners have offices where you can walk in to make bookings. But this doesn't apply to the travel agents or companies that gave you a quote for your trip.

Must Have 500+ Genuine Reviews

All our trusted partners have at least 500+ genuine reviews visible on social platforms. We validate the authenticity of the reviews on the back-end to check for paid or fake reviews. Regarding the travel agent or company who provided an existing trip quote, we do not solely rely on the number of reviews. What matters to us is the authenticity of the reviews, ensuring that all reviews are genuine and not paid or fake.

Must Have A Valid Travel License

All our travel agents be it in India or in international locations have valid travel agency/company license. The common list of valid list includes:

Certificate of Incorporation
GST/VAT Certificate
Trade License 
Office Address Agreement Proof
TAN/PAN Certificates

Team Must Have At Least 25 People

All of our trusted partners satisfy the criteria of having at least 25 full-time employees who can run day-to-day operations. However, we are flexible with the team's size regarding your travel agent or company that provided you with an existing trip quote.

Website & Valid Email Domains

All our trusted partners have functional travel websites and company email addresses. None of our partners use email addresses with Gmail, Yahoo, or any other generic email services. However, we can make an exception for your travel agent or company who provided you with the existing trip quote.

Decent Social Media Presence

All our trusted partners have all the active social media pages like Instagram, fakebook, linked and many more. Additional they all satisfy the criteria of having at least 30K+ followers.
With regards to your travel agent or company, we don't stress on the followers count, but at least the social media pages must exist with occasional or frequent posts.

Must Not Have Too Many Legal Cases

Filing consumers complaints and involving court of law is now a days very common where there are disputes between the customers and travel agent and companies, but, the number of complaints must not be in huge, all our trusted partners are barely involved in the legal proceedings.
We definitely mark this validation mandatory for the travel agent or company who gave you the existing trip quote.

Validating Company Financials

We have tools and relevant portal to access the company track records including credit/loan/debt status, investments and funding details, EBITDA and much more details. We make sure, all our trusted partners have healthy balance sheets. 

We mark this field mandatory for your travel agent or company who gave you the existing trip quote before issuing risk ratings.